Friday, June 28, 2013

"Collected" vs "complete"

In my quest to reduce my dependency on printed books, I ordered a Kindle copy of "The Collected Poems of W. B. Yeats". I was "leafing" through it, re-reading my favorites, when I noticed that "Why Should Not Old Men Be Mad" was missing.

Looks like I'll be keeping my dog-eared paper copy of "Selected Poems and Two Plays of William Butler Yeats" (1962).

Google Tasks missing on my Samsung Galaxy S4

Got an S4 a couple of weeks ago as part of the renewal cycle with Working Assets for my cell phone.

I do like the phone (after turning off all the gesture stuff). However, I can't see my tasks (created in Google Calendar using the Chrome browser) on the phone. I've made sure that the calender on the phone is set to my calendar. I even tried adding a due date to the tasks (in the browser on my PC), to no avail.

Has Google gotten so big that they are unable to integrate this? Or is this the evidence of some internal marketing tug-of-war between Samsung and Google, where Samsung is trying to force users to their applications instead of the standard Google local applications / web applications?

Anyone from Google (or Samsung) care to help?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Google Maps: erratic "In Current Traffic"

Where'd it go?

It shows on my Android phone.