Saturday, July 6, 2013

Don't name your Samsung Galaxy S4 with a long name with spaces...

... if you want to be able to see the device from Windows.

I had originally named it "xxxxxxxxxxx yyyyy zzzz", and couldn't see it from either Windows 7 or Windows XP.

Renamed it to "xxxxxx" and it's visible.

I'm guessing this has something to do with MTP, but can't really say for sure.

And I thought the days of 8.3 filenames were long gone.

P.S.: Still doesn't work reliably. I just switch back and forth between MTP and PTP until my desktop computer recognizes the phone.

P.P.S.: Now I think it's a security issue. Seems to work reliably if I connect, then unlock the phone with my PIN.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Connection is still erratic. Switching from MTP (Media device) to PTP (Camera) and back again "woke it up" today. Who knows what it will take next time.