Monday, April 6, 2009

Going Paperless: Day 5

We get three newspapers at my house: the New York Times, the San Francisco Chronicle (as long as it remains in business) and the weekly freebie San Leandro Times. I go for the NYT first and my wife goes for the Chron. I will scan the headlines of the main and "Local" sections of the Chron, and (more often than not) read the comics in the lulls during preparing dinner.

The laptop just won't work for this.

First, it sleeps too frequently (probably because it's on battery). This can be changed.

Secondly, I don't like the idea of getting food on it (as opposed to the physical paper).

Thirdly, I read articles in the paper by first scanning them, taking in the first sentence of each paragraph. If I then want more information, Ithen go back and read the article in more detail. The laptop screen isn't big enough for this.

So I'm 1 out of 3:
  • Not really worth reading the news on the laptop
  • Not worth replacing pencil and paper for jotting notes
  • Definitely worth watching Hulu (and whatever comes after)

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