Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hands-free tablet holder, first prototype

One of my current projects is to build a hands-free tablet holder that so I can watch Netflix videos in bed on my Kindle Fire. My first attempt is here.

Using cardboard made it easy to quickly prototype this "head cave", and easy to recycle it (once it had served its purpose). I cut the square notches on the sides of the "Kindle hole" for the ear-bud cable.

This placed the Kindle close enough to my face that I could remove my glasses. I have bad eyesight. If I want to really look at something carefully, I always take off my glasses and hold the item within a few inches of my face. I don't know if there is something optically (as opposed to psychologically) different about looking at things this way. I do, however, feel like I really see what I'm looking at when I do this.

I watched a few hour and two-hour videos this way, but have consigned the box to the recycling bin. My eyes do not have the same prescription, so one eye has to dominate when focusing this closely. This leads to occasional strange effects when (I believe) the dominance switches from one eye to the other.

I'm now working on something using a Joby GorillaPod Focus that rests on my chest whilst in bed, so I can wear my glasses while watching.

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